It is almost Summer vacation time for most people. However, it seems that the traditional Summer vacation is becoming increasingly rare. The below article found that 39 million people in the United States won’t be able to afford a Summer vacation in 2019.
According the article, the reason behind this shocking figure is financial. “This year, however, 39 million U.S. adults won’t be taking summer trips because money is just too tight. That figure is based on the results of a recent survey from Bankrate.com in which 60% of respondents who said they aren’t planning summer vacations said the reason is that they can’t afford one.”
“Day to Day bills” and “paying down debt” were both cited as the main reasons why a Summer vacation was unaffordable for most people. These reasons mirror the growing problem that our office sees in consultations with potential bankruptcy filers – they have a job and income, but debt and normal living expenses keep them in a cycle of living paycheck to paycheck. When those considerations are taken into account, the average Summer vacation cost of $2000 becomes unaffordable.
There are numerous strategies to try to reduce both day to day bills and overall debt that could benefit may people caught in a debt cycle of living paycheck to paycheck. Reducing debt (together with increasing income) are the only two ways to break the cycle. If you do not have the ability to increase income through a job change or second job, then reduction of debt is the only alternative.
Our office counsels potential clients regarding ways to reduce day to day bills and overall debt level. A good example is the filing of a Chapter 7 case. In that case, overall debt is reduced with the elimination of unsecured credit card and medical debt. However, the filing of a Chapter 7 may have the potential to reduce day to day bills by allowing the substitution of a cheaper car payment, rent expense or other fixed expenses that would normally not be flexible. We would be happy to discuss some solutions with you if you feel that your Summer vacation will not ever be possible based on your current debt situation.
At Mickler & Mickler, we attend Court and see the bankruptcy trustees and judges in action several times a week. We have the experience to guide you to the right decision about whether to file a case, and if so, what Chapter to file. When you contact our office, we can help you in your case with sound legal advice.
Please contact Mickler & Mickler at 904.725.0822 or bkmickler@planlaw.com. We will be happy to set you up a free appointment to discuss your situation and potential solutions.
Bryan Mickler